Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Schmucker Kick Off

Today will be my first experience as an official member of the five star team. For the next eight weeks I will be slowly progressing into the position of "point person" at Schmucker Middle School, which is the largest middle school in the area with around 1,100 students. Today I am just going to be observing the whole time. Each week I will be slowly taking more and more responsibility. Four weeks from now I will be speaking and basically running the whole deal at Schmucker. Should be fun working with Seth and trying to manage 62 middle schoolers.

1 comment:

Jonathan, Angela said...

Are their some big farms around their with the whole smucker family thing going on? I know that a lot of the dairy heifers from around here are raised on a farm owned by the shmuckers(sp). They have over 12000 head. (by the way I like your title pic too:)