Thursday, May 31, 2007


Reason #8 is that Hayley desires to serve side by side with me in whatever ministry I am doing. I love this. There is no one else I would rather be serving with than her. I know God is going to use us and I am really looking forward to how that will be.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Single Digits...this is crazy. Reason #9...I know I trust her with everything. This is huge. The comfort and safety that come with this is so important for our relationship. She has my trust and I have hers. We will not keep anything from each other...unless it's a surprise for her (which I like to do).

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Wow!!! I can't believe we are only 10 days out. It doesn't seem real yet but I'm sure about 8 days from now it will.

Anyways...reason number 10 that she has a great relationship with her family and mine. This is very important. I know her parents love her and she loves them. This will help a great deal as we begin a family of our own someday.


Reason number 11 is that her dream is to raise a family. I love this because it is also one of my desires. I look forward to doing this together...but it can wait for a little while longer.


In case you're just tuning in to the countdown, I am giving 25 reasons why Hayley will be the best wife in the world. And now for reason 12...she loves to be organized. This is a good thing. It's not that I am not organized, I just have a tendancy to let things for short periods of time and then they get piled up. Last night we spent a couple hours combining our files into one system. Let's just say I'm glad that's over with.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


This is usually an unlucky number...but not when you are marrying a woman as good as Hayley. Reason 13...I know that Hayley loves me and cares for me. She makes this obvious by the way she treats me, looks at me, cares for me and misses me when I am gone. It is a good thing to be loved!!!


2 weeks out...we're getting close. Reason number 14 is that Hayley makes me complete. What I can't do...she can. What I'm not good at...she is. I love that God has paired me with someone who can be strong when I am weak.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Bible Fight Game

They have pretty much come up with everything. It is pretty addicting though. Check it out here.


I love Hayley's creative side. She is very good at scrapbooking and making cards and invitations and whatnot. Definately not my deal (I'm terrible at that stuff). It's good to know that Hayley can represent us well in that area.


Reason number 16 is that we are best friends. I would not want to do life with anyone else. I love being with Hayley and she loves being with me. I can't wait to walk the rest of our days side by side.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Reason #17...Hayley's favorite food is Mexican. That just happens to be my favorite food which makes it easy for us to determine where will go out eat. It's either Don Pablo's or our local favorite Casa Del Rio. Muy Bueno.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Hayley is a gamer. What does that mean? She loves playing board games. So do I. Early in our relationship we had some pretty intense Scrabble battles and we have also duked it out in Skip-Bo, Uno Attack, and Rack-O. It's good fun.


Reason #19 is that she makes me laugh. Hayley will do things that are off the wall or random that just crack me up. It might be a dance or a song or some other crazy thing but it is always funny. I love it.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Since we have been together, Hayley has constantly been affirming me. This is huge for guys. Most guys would actually rather be affirmed more than loved. They are both pretty important for me and Hayley has given me both. She is awesome!!!

Did I mention she is incredibly good looking?


Hayley makes the best stuffed peppers in the world!!! Actually, I can't recall a time I didn't like something she has made. She is a great cook. I look forward to many meals together.


Hayley has one of the best personalities I have ever seen. For those of you that don't know her very well and in case you were wondering, yes, she does have a crazy, wild side to her. I love that about her.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Book 5 of 20

One of my goals this year is to read 20 books. I just completed book 5 of 20. Here is a list of books I have read this year:

In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson
The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
The Secret Message of Jesus by Brian McLaren
Sex, Romance and the Glory of God by C.J. Mahaney
The Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley

I would have to say I have experienced some good reading this year and I hope for that to continue.


Now the 23rd reason why Hayley will be the best wife in world. She is shorter than I am. I was always thinking I would end up with someone who would tower over me but then God brought my perfect match. I wouldn't want anyone else!!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


#24...She is willing to take risks. I love this about her. She is able to step out in faith and trust God to take care of her. This is very important, especially when marrying someone in ministry.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I am starting a new series of posts today. I will be counting down the next 25 days leading up to the wedding. Each day will give one reason why Hayley will be the best wife in the world. They will not be in any particular order. So, to kick things off...

#25...She is dang attractive both inside and out. Other words I could use are beautiful, gorgeous, hot, smokin, stellar...I think you get the point.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Next Steps...

At GCC, we talk a lot about taking your next step. Wherever you are, you always have a next step. They may be small or large but they will always advance you in the direction in which you step. I have several steps the past year. Take a look at the journey:

- Made connection with GCC (curious step)
- Agreed to internship (committed step)
- Started Dating Hayley (very, very good step)
- Left Pigeon (big step)
- Moved to Granger, IN (scary step)
- Joined the Life Mission team at GCC (fun step)
- Joined the MERGE Leadership team at GCC (gain experience step)
- Proposed to Hayley (Most exciting of all steps so far)
- Joined the Five Star Team (searching step)
- Taking Financial Peace Class (wisdom step)
- Marriage Counceling (learning steps)
- ...

And the journey goes on. What will the next step be? Stay tuned...I think it's going to be big.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Unposted Post

Yes the trip is over. We arrived home Saturday night but because I couldn't get access to my blog I am posting the blogs I had written on the trip but haven't posted yet.

And so the trip continues at a non-stop pace. Thursday we landed in…well…Houston again and from there we went down to Guatemala. In the city of Chichicastanengo (Chichi for short…that’s “Chee-Chee”), we are visiting an organization called Pray America. To find out more about them and their ministry here in Chichi go here. This is my first trip ever to Guatemala and here are my thoughts about it.

- Some of the most beautiful landscape I have seen. Mountains, hills, jungle, lakes, active volcanoes…can’t go wrong there.
- Driving is pretty much a kamikaze mission. Let’s just say the reflexes better be good.
- Burger King for lunch wasn’t my choice. It is still just as bad for you here…maybe worse.
- The natives here are very confused about religion, gods, and Jesus.
- The roads are very narrow which requires folding in the side mirrors at times.
- The living conditions of those less fortunate are very, very bad.
- Because of their diet, children are already losing teeth due to rotting.
- This place is lost and dark and needs a mighty act of God and His people to bring the lost people home and free from the evil spirits that rule many places here.
- Pray America is currently feeding 1,500 children and mothers twice a week.
- Impact is happening and progress is being made in relationship development with those who were once not open to it.

So those are just a few thoughts and fact from this stop so far. Feel free to check out the pics. There are many of land and children. They are pretty darn cute.


Friday, May 04, 2007


Why is this number significant? Because in 37 days I will be the luckiest married man on the planet that’s why. The wedding is almost here. The honeymoon is set. Where are we going you ask? Take a guess. First one to guess right will win a prize of some kind.

Back 2 Back

This week, Dan Blacketor and I are on a whirlwind trip down to the Mexico and Central America to visit with some Mission Organizations to look for good connection points for family missions trips. Our first stop was in Monterrey, MX.

In Monterrey we visited an organization called Back 2 Back. For information about them and what they do, go here. We arrived Monday and spent all of Tuesday and Wednesday as well. Our agenda consisted of driving to various children’s homes that house any where from 25 to 60 children. These children have either been abandoned by their parents or dropped off by their parents because the parents can not afford to care for them properly. Most of these kids are between the ages 5 and 12. They attend school and usually stay in the children’s homes through junior high. Some will stay for high school and college as well.

We also visited with Pastor Edgar who oversees 3 children’s homes, Pastor Jose who pastors one church and is in the process of planting another on top of his job as a mechanic, and Pastor Rene who is the pastor of the church were the Back 2 Back staff attend. It was very interesting hearing all of their stories and how God has led in their lives. They shared that the biggest need in Monterrey is for pastors to be trained and discipled so they can do the same for their congregations.

Overall this trip was a huge success. We love what Back 2 Back is doing and we look forward to possibly partnering with them in the future. I will keep you all posted as we progress with them.


Summit Adventure

Summit Adventure

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You...

I have been having some recent struggles trying to upload photos to blogger and I have not had enough time to figure it out. When I get it figured out I will have a large number of them to post from Summit Adventure, Monterrey, MX, and Guatemala. Stay tuned...