Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Coming up for Air

I just realized that it has been over a week since I last wrote. That is the longest drought yet. So here is a quick update until I have time to write more.

Ministry - The pace of things at the church are starting to quicken. I am enjoying the responisibilities I have and the people I am working with. We are getting closer to setting our date for the Mexico trip to do research for the family missions program.

Hayley - We finished registering for our wedding last weekend. That was a fun process but draining at the same time. We are both glad to be done with it (for the most part). The wedding gets closer everday but it still seems like a ways off. We are ready for it to get here.

Personally - I am learning a lot lately about myself. I am trying to figure out what my strengths and where or how I can position myself to play to the strengths that I have. It is a process that isn't always easy or fun but I know it is worth it. I miss all of you from back home. I am looking forward to what God is going to do with me this year.

So that is it for now. Hopefully I can take another breath soon. Until then...

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