I wandered in to Barnes and Noble last night, while Hayley was babysitting, to do some catching up on my reading and journeling. I have been thinking a lot about finances lately. Setting up a budget, controlling my money so it doesn't control me, and making sure we (Hayley and I) are making wise choices with the limited income we have. It was recommended by the GCC CPA that I check out the "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. Dave Ramsey is a Christian who has been twice a millionaire and flat broke inbetween. So I decided I would pick that up, grab a hot chocolate and begin reading. Once I started I couldn't stop. The book made so much sense and it was inspiring. I read the first 130 pages in one sitting. So much for the journaling part. The book is all about destroying the myths that rule our society regarding finances and helping people in debt (which the is majority in our country) get out of it. I feel fortunate that I currently have no debt but I know that if I don't continue to make wise choices that could change pretty quick.
So if you have debt or struggle with knowing how to manage the finance side of life, I would strongly recommend this book. More to come later.
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