I am amazed at the complete insanity that people are showing to acquire a piece of technology costing them around $600.00. I know that most people are buying and selling to make a fairly substantial profit but is what they are going through to get it really worth it? An article from MSNBC claims that one person was shot and is now it stable condition, others were victims of a drive-by BB gun shooting and many more were mugged while waiting in line. My favorite report is this:
"In West Bend, Wis., a 19-year-old man was injured when he ran into a pole racing with 50 others for one of 10 spots outside a Wal-Mart."
Wouldn't that be a great story to tell your grandkids some day? Or maybe you could tell them that you set up a tent in front of Best Buy and slept there in the rain for two days waiting to get video game system that was outdated in three years. That might be just as cool. If these people want to make such a big profit, getting a life and a job might be a better option. Just a thought. What are yours?
Sadly enough, the e-bay PS3 profit margins are falling like King Kong off the Empire State Building. After the first couple days of sales online, the reselling is way less profitable than these people had hoped.
Too bad, so sad. I'll go for the ultra-unrealistic Wii anyday. Because it's fun to play and I don't feel the need to escape my own reality for that of a video game.
And yeah, I agree that a story of climbing a mountain or road-tripping with friend would be a bit more compelling than fighting for an expesive piece of plastic like parents did for Tickle-Me-Elmos a few years back. I'm sure the same kids who thought those parents were dumb are among those fighting for the PS3's.
Why can't we be as excited about sharing the gospel as people are about "new toys".
You know, I waited outside the elkton hardware for 48 hours before the PS3 went on sale and I was SO excited cause I had no, and I mean no competition from those unworldly Elktoners, then when the doors opened I rushed in and !!!! :( they didn't have any PS3's, What a fool am I:). That will be my story of failure to tell my kids, I am so ashamed, how can I go on.......
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