I write this post from a bunkbed on the campus of Back2Back Ministries in Monterrey, Mexico. Back2Back is a Missions organization that does a number of things you can read about here. I will be blogging more about this trip tomorrow.
This post is about what happened last weekend at Manowe. Myself and five others were trained and certified on Summit Adventure (the ropes course at Manowe). I had a blast. We spent Friday night, all day Saturday and most of the day on Sunday training and testing. I did things I had never done before like climb up a 30 foot telephone pole and stand on top of it...and then jump off. I also rode on the forever long zip line and walked across a wobbly pole at 32 feet in the air. So needless to say it was challenging and draining but it was a freakin blast!!! I met some new people and made some great friendships and I look forward to how God is going to use this for me in the future. So, I am certified and look forward to many more days on the Summit. Pics will be on soon.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Experience the Summit

Later this afternoon I will heading up to Manowe for the weekend. Manowe is a ranch located in Sturgis, MI that is owned by one of the members here at GCC. The purpose of the ranch is to provide people with a place to retreat, relax and recharge. It consists of large lodge (used for sleeping and eating), fishing ponds, horse-back riding, a garden, hiking trails and Summit Adventure. Summit Adventure is a state of the art High and Low Ropes course that is used by Five Star and retreat groups to help build team and trust. This weekend 5 of us will be trained on how to run the ropes course. I'm looking forward to hanging out with this team and experiencing a little adventure...Check out the pic of Summit Adventure.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wow...what a day at Schmucker!!!
Yesterday we did something at Five Star that we have never done before. We got kids to open up. We got them to take off the mask that they wear all the time and share some real stuff about who they are and what their life is like. I had one kid in my group who was just full of anger yesterday and didn't want to share anything. He finally shared with me that his younger brother (who is also in my group) has been beating him up verbally and has never told him that he loves him. He was deeply hurt by this.
We then moved on to another activity. If you have seen the movie Freedom Writers you know what this activity was like. We places a line on the floor and had kids split into two groups on each side of the line. We then began to ask questions like "If you have ever been made fun of for your physical appearance step toward the line." We asked a series of these questions until eventually just about everyone was on or near the line. The point is that we are all doing these things to each other and where did we learn to act like this? By this time the older brother was in tears and crying pretty hard. I went over to him and put arm around him and stood with him for a little while.
We then moved on to a time of team affirmation. I took my group and before we got started the two brothers were beginning to fight verbally back and forth. After talking to them both we realized that the younger brother was actually going over to apologize for the way he had been acting but the older brother put up his defenses to quick and began to reject for fear of being made fun of again. After they both realized they wanted the same thing, to get along, they looked at each other, both in tears and forgave each other and made a pact to stick for each other from now on.
Talk about a break through in the family. This moment may have saved tension and hatred from building up between two brothers for a long time. It is great to be apart of something that is literally changing the lives of students forever!!!
We then moved on to another activity. If you have seen the movie Freedom Writers you know what this activity was like. We places a line on the floor and had kids split into two groups on each side of the line. We then began to ask questions like "If you have ever been made fun of for your physical appearance step toward the line." We asked a series of these questions until eventually just about everyone was on or near the line. The point is that we are all doing these things to each other and where did we learn to act like this? By this time the older brother was in tears and crying pretty hard. I went over to him and put arm around him and stood with him for a little while.
We then moved on to a time of team affirmation. I took my group and before we got started the two brothers were beginning to fight verbally back and forth. After talking to them both we realized that the younger brother was actually going over to apologize for the way he had been acting but the older brother put up his defenses to quick and began to reject for fear of being made fun of again. After they both realized they wanted the same thing, to get along, they looked at each other, both in tears and forgave each other and made a pact to stick for each other from now on.
Talk about a break through in the family. This moment may have saved tension and hatred from building up between two brothers for a long time. It is great to be apart of something that is literally changing the lives of students forever!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Turning Point?
Today is a big day for Five Star at Schmucker Middle School. Our message this week is Serve Love. We are going to have the kids get a little more personal today and share some real life stuff. I will post tomorrow about what happened. If you read this today, please pray for the 60 middle school students that we will encourage and love on today.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Last Monday was a sad day in the King Family. We had to say good bye to a family member. About 8 months ago Opie was struck with a strange neurological disease that caused his nerves to be unresponsive to the messages sent out by his brain. His mind was still sharp be he was unable to make his body function. It was almost a kind of paralysis. His favorite toys were his grape head, monster tennis balls, Hamyburger, and his newly aquired Ref. So, needless to say, he will be missed. Thanks for the memories Opdogg...or as my dad called him...the big brown goat. He also lived by the slogan "What can brown do for you." More pics will be added.

Not sure what he is thinking here

Monday, April 16, 2007
54 and flying by...
I can't believe Hayley and I only have 54 days left until we get married. It seems like there is a lot left to do before then but I know we will get it done. I am having a hard time booking a honeymoon but hopefully we will have landed on something by the end of this week. We are looking at going to either Cabo San Lucas, the D.R. or a cruise. Just need to find the right deal.
As I look at the canlendar, we have every weekend booked between here and the wedding. With Hayley's up coming showers, a bachelor party for me, church obligations and wedding planning, the next 54 days are going to fly by.
Keep us in your prayers as we continue to plan and prepare for our life together. I am excited for how God is going to use us to help advance His Kingdom.
As I look at the canlendar, we have every weekend booked between here and the wedding. With Hayley's up coming showers, a bachelor party for me, church obligations and wedding planning, the next 54 days are going to fly by.
Keep us in your prayers as we continue to plan and prepare for our life together. I am excited for how God is going to use us to help advance His Kingdom.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
New Link
As you can see on the right hand side of the screen I have added a new link called 2007 August India Mission Blog. This blog will tell you all that is happening during the preparation for the trip and the during the trip itself. I am helping to co-lead this trip. Hayley and I will be married when we leave so that should be fun. This will be her first ever international mission trip. So...check it out.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Latin America...Here I come
As most of you know, one of my goals here at GCC is to develop a Family Missions program that will give families an opportunity to serve together locally, regionally, x-culturally and internationally. As part of this development, Dan Blacketor (volunteer here at GCC) and I will be traveling from April 30-May 5 to Mexico and Guatemala.
In Mexico we will be visiting Back2Back Ministries in Monterrey. Back2Back was launched in Monterrey by some local people from the Granger Area. Currently, our youth ministry travels down every summer to engage in a short term missions experience. We will be staying there for 2 days and then off to Guatemala.

I am very excited to visit the country of Guatemala. This is the land of eternal spring where the temp never goes below 55 and never above 80. While we are there, we will visit a ministry called Pray America. Pray America currently offers a food program for hungry families and children, widow housing, orphanges and schooling. Their headquarters are located in Chichicastenango (Chichi). Because of a recent civil war in Guatemala, many of the men were killed, which has left 40,000 widows and 300,000 fatherless children in Chichi. 85% of the men that are there are alcoholics and of it's 50,000 people, only about 150 are Christ followers. So it should make for a very interesting stop. We will be here for 2 days and then head back to South Bend. I'll keep you all posted on this trip when it arrives.

I am very excited to visit the country of Guatemala. This is the land of eternal spring where the temp never goes below 55 and never above 80. While we are there, we will visit a ministry called Pray America. Pray America currently offers a food program for hungry families and children, widow housing, orphanges and schooling. Their headquarters are located in Chichicastenango (Chichi). Because of a recent civil war in Guatemala, many of the men were killed, which has left 40,000 widows and 300,000 fatherless children in Chichi. 85% of the men that are there are alcoholics and of it's 50,000 people, only about 150 are Christ followers. So it should make for a very interesting stop. We will be here for 2 days and then head back to South Bend. I'll keep you all posted on this trip when it arrives.