I arrived at the camp around 6pm on Friday night. I actually got there before the youth group did so I did some pre-message studying. My first message was scheduled for 9pm. The theme for the weekend was football, which I was excited about, but because of the wide range of ideas that come with this topic, it was hard for me to determine which direction to go. I had worked on preparing these messages for a couple weeks and with a little help from Rob Wegner (Life Mission Pastor here at GCC) I was able to gain some direction. I narrowed it down to these four messages: 1) When was the last time you got sacked? (basically the idea when was the last time life just seemed to steamroll you?) 2) Developing Fundamentals, 3) Being part of a team, and 4) Finishing strong.
As I had mentioned before, I was a bit anxious for this whole weekend but when it came time to get up and begin speaking, it seemed as though all of that was gone. I was totally comfortable. I have to believe that the Holy Spirit was present and I was doing what God had led me there to do. At the end of the message on Friday night I gave the kids some time to get there hearts right with God and to open themselves up to what God might want to say to them throughout the rest of the weekend. I challanged them all to get up from whatever has knocked them down, from whatever had sacked them, and to get back in the game because their role on the team is far to important to just quit (and so is yours by the way).
It was a good night talking, getting to know kids and catching up with the one and only Scott Herbert (Herb-Dog). I was so glad I had chosen to take this opportunity and I was looking forward to what day 2 would bring. (pics coming soon)
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Preacher Man: Part 1
How do you respond when you know you are going to be doing something for the first time in your life? This is something I have been dealing with a lot in the past few months. This is my first time living outside of Michigan, attending/working at a huge church and taking Grad. level classes. I was excited but also a little anxious when I realized all of this would be happening. And I guess that is how I usually feel for any first time thing. This past weekend was no different. At least for a little while.
On Friday I traveled 1 1/2 hours Southeast of Granger to a town called Albion (not the Michigan one). I was asked by Scott Herbert (a Pigeon native, who is now a youth pastor at Maple City Chapel in Goshen, IN) to be the guest speaker at their youth retreat. I knew I already had a lot on my plate but I felt like it was a great opportunity to continue speaking and developing that gift. So I told him I was up for the challenge. It was something new for me. I had never been the "guest speaker" before. I was always on the other side of the event as the attender or the planner. Now I was going to be main input person. A part of the memories of so many kids I may never see again. An opportunity to be used to impact the lives of kids who are searching and longing for purpose and meaning in their lives. How would God use me? What kind of impact would He make through me? What was I to expect? It was these questions and more that I started asking myself, and God, as I began my drive to Bear Lake Camp.
On Friday I traveled 1 1/2 hours Southeast of Granger to a town called Albion (not the Michigan one). I was asked by Scott Herbert (a Pigeon native, who is now a youth pastor at Maple City Chapel in Goshen, IN) to be the guest speaker at their youth retreat. I knew I already had a lot on my plate but I felt like it was a great opportunity to continue speaking and developing that gift. So I told him I was up for the challenge. It was something new for me. I had never been the "guest speaker" before. I was always on the other side of the event as the attender or the planner. Now I was going to be main input person. A part of the memories of so many kids I may never see again. An opportunity to be used to impact the lives of kids who are searching and longing for purpose and meaning in their lives. How would God use me? What kind of impact would He make through me? What was I to expect? It was these questions and more that I started asking myself, and God, as I began my drive to Bear Lake Camp.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
This is an idea that most would say is easier said than done. What does it have to do with? It has to do with how we live our lives. Mark Beeson, the senior pastor here at GCC, often teaches this idea. He says our lives should be lived in this way. It is not to be lived out like a marathon with which we are constantly going and going and never take time to sit and rest. Some would ask, "How am I not supposed to keep going? If you only knew my life and everything that has to be done. You don't have a clue." That is what my life feels like right now. I have already spent about 15 hrs. in the last week typing papers and studying for my classes and I have at least 2x the work left to do before Nov. 21. This weekend I am speaking four messages in three days at a High School Youth Retreat in Albion, IN at Bear Lake Camp. When I get back the church will be in high gear getting ready for our annual food drop, which mobilzes thousands of volunteers and feeds literally thousands of people throughout Michiana.
So I am feeling a little stretched right now but I am enjoying all of it. I am in the middle a sprint but when December roles around and the school work is done, it will be time for that rest. And when it comes you can bet I will enjoy every moment of it. God calls us to rest. He did. And he's got a lot more on his plate than we do.
So I am feeling a little stretched right now but I am enjoying all of it. I am in the middle a sprint but when December roles around and the school work is done, it will be time for that rest. And when it comes you can bet I will enjoy every moment of it. God calls us to rest. He did. And he's got a lot more on his plate than we do.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
At the Ranch
Friday, October 20, 2006
2 Down, 8 To Go
That actually is a little how I feel after my first 2 Graduate classes and here's why. I have never been one who really loves the world of academia. Not that I am a bad student, it's just that spending tons of time researching and writing papers is never something that lit my fire. So after finishing two classes now, part of me feels like I just can't wait until it's over. Now I know it will be rewarding and it will be a great accomplishment but is that all it's going to be?
I have been doing some thinking about the best way to obtain a better knowledge of scripture and ministry and how to make the most of my time here in Indiana. Is going to school for ministry really going to be as effective as, lets say, putting all of that time in at the church and gaining experience that way? Choosing to pursue a master's requires a great deal of time and money. And if I am going to give those two things, am I going to come out that much farther ahead when it is all said and done? Think of it this way. Everyday, the Church is pressing forward into uncharted territory. They are laying the ground work for new styles of ministry and new ways to be effective in building the kingdom and engaging as many people as possible in that. And so if this is all new, that means that it can't be taught in the classroom yet because it is still in documentation mode. By the time it hits the shelves and begins to be taught, it will be outdated because the Church has continued to press forward into even newer and fresher ideas.
So my question becomes, will what I learn in the classroom and the time and money spent there, really help me to be that much more effective in ministry or would it make more sense to spend that time and less money in the church where I would be part of a team that works together to blaze new trails and learn that process first hand? Just something I have been thinking and praying about. My goal is to learn to be more effective in ministry understand God's Word and to think outside of box. What are your thoughts?
I have been doing some thinking about the best way to obtain a better knowledge of scripture and ministry and how to make the most of my time here in Indiana. Is going to school for ministry really going to be as effective as, lets say, putting all of that time in at the church and gaining experience that way? Choosing to pursue a master's requires a great deal of time and money. And if I am going to give those two things, am I going to come out that much farther ahead when it is all said and done? Think of it this way. Everyday, the Church is pressing forward into uncharted territory. They are laying the ground work for new styles of ministry and new ways to be effective in building the kingdom and engaging as many people as possible in that. And so if this is all new, that means that it can't be taught in the classroom yet because it is still in documentation mode. By the time it hits the shelves and begins to be taught, it will be outdated because the Church has continued to press forward into even newer and fresher ideas.
So my question becomes, will what I learn in the classroom and the time and money spent there, really help me to be that much more effective in ministry or would it make more sense to spend that time and less money in the church where I would be part of a team that works together to blaze new trails and learn that process first hand? Just something I have been thinking and praying about. My goal is to learn to be more effective in ministry understand God's Word and to think outside of box. What are your thoughts?
Monday, October 16, 2006
I say that for a couple reasons.
First, because this past weekend was the first weekend I was actually able to stay in Indiana since I've moved here. It felt good not to have to drive hundreds of miles and to be able to just relax and enjoy the environment I now live in. So what did my first weekend consist of? Well, it started on a high note by participating in one of GCC's ministry events called 2nd Saturday. This event happens on the 2nd Saturday of every month and an average of 250 people show up to serve in different areas of the community from 8:30am-12pm. Hayley and I both participated in the Son City Kids outreach which ministers to at-risk, inner-city kids. This part of the event took place at Crooked Creek Ranch, a fully functioning horse ranch that provides kids with the opportunity to do things they will never be able to do any other time. This includes riding horses, riding a tractor, seeing the farm animals, and many other fun activities. It was a great experience and I look forward to helping more in the future. Look for pictures of the 2nd Saturday event to be posted very soon.
The Second part of a great relaxing weekend was the walk off home run hit by Magglio Ordonez to send the Tigers to the World Series. What a story. A team who has lost over 400 games in the last 4 seasons, which is so bad it is hard to do, are now playing on the biggest stage in baseball and in my book are the favorites to win it. I was only 3 years old the last time the Tigers were champions and I don't remember any of it. So I am excited for what lies ahead. May the spirit of '84 be present!!!
First, because this past weekend was the first weekend I was actually able to stay in Indiana since I've moved here. It felt good not to have to drive hundreds of miles and to be able to just relax and enjoy the environment I now live in. So what did my first weekend consist of? Well, it started on a high note by participating in one of GCC's ministry events called 2nd Saturday. This event happens on the 2nd Saturday of every month and an average of 250 people show up to serve in different areas of the community from 8:30am-12pm. Hayley and I both participated in the Son City Kids outreach which ministers to at-risk, inner-city kids. This part of the event took place at Crooked Creek Ranch, a fully functioning horse ranch that provides kids with the opportunity to do things they will never be able to do any other time. This includes riding horses, riding a tractor, seeing the farm animals, and many other fun activities. It was a great experience and I look forward to helping more in the future. Look for pictures of the 2nd Saturday event to be posted very soon.
The Second part of a great relaxing weekend was the walk off home run hit by Magglio Ordonez to send the Tigers to the World Series. What a story. A team who has lost over 400 games in the last 4 seasons, which is so bad it is hard to do, are now playing on the biggest stage in baseball and in my book are the favorites to win it. I was only 3 years old the last time the Tigers were champions and I don't remember any of it. So I am excited for what lies ahead. May the spirit of '84 be present!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Who's Your Tiger?

The sign says it all. The team that hasn't been to the ALCS since 1987 is back. And are they ever. After closing out the biggest enemy in the league with a solid 3 games to 1 victory, the boys from Detroit came into Oakland and made another strong statement. I honestly never thought baseball could fun to watch but I was wrong. When it's your team, and as long as you can remember they've been a losing franchise and now they are one of the best teams in baseball, it is just plain exciting!! So the journey continues tonight. It's hard to believe that with just three more wins, the Tiges will be on the big stage.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
MC3 - Construction Blitz

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Attention all readers of this blog,
If you are someone who is reading this would you please do me a favor. After you have finished reading will please leave a comment for me so I can have some kind of idea has to who is viewing this blog. I would love to hear some feed back from you. If you have any questions for me or just want to make a comment please do. Interaction with you is more fun than just typing updates. Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.
If you are someone who is reading this would you please do me a favor. After you have finished reading will please leave a comment for me so I can have some kind of idea has to who is viewing this blog. I would love to hear some feed back from you. If you have any questions for me or just want to make a comment please do. Interaction with you is more fun than just typing updates. Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.
Monday, October 02, 2006
The Newest King or Queen

On September 29th, at 10:01pm, Kaylyn Elizabeth King was welcomed into the world. It was an incredible moment. Amy, Hayley and I arrived at the hospital about 30 min. before the baby was born. We were standing just outside the door of the delivery room when we heard Kaylyn speak or cry for the first time. It was such a crazy feeling knowing that My brother was now a dad, my sister and I aunt and uncle, and my parents suddenly grandparents. We eventually went into the delivery to see Erin, Zac and Kaylyn and it was a sight to behold. As you can see by the picture, which was taken less than two hours after she was born, she is incredibly cute. It is amazing to me that God can create something so articulate and beautiful. It probably shouldn't suprise me after seeing His creation all around me but nothing is quite like a new born child. Born in the image of its Creator. Known by Him before we could even see her. And then God entrusts her to her parents to love and care for and raise in the way of Jesus. What a gift!!! So needless to say, I am more than excited about being an uncle and creating many memories with my brother and his growing family.